For Back to School, we are offering the AngelSense Device for FREE.
We would like to help families protect their loved ones and get peace of mind.

Safety for Children, Peace of Mind for Parents

Features That Keep Your Special Child Safe

AngelSense App Capabilities

Watch how this family keeps their autistic child safe
at school, on the bus and everywhere

"When I saw AngelSense, it was like a godsend"

K.Wood, Georgia video

Parents Share

AngelSense Keeps My Child with autism safe at school
with Lifesaving Features Unique to AngelSense

<p>Adrian Scott Fitzgerald</p>

Adrian Scott Fitzgerald

My 9 year old son was being bullied on the bus just this past Friday! I recognized his bus was late and I GPSed where my son was. When I clicked on the voice button, I discovered

the distressed and helpless situation my son was in, screaming and crying while being hit by two bullies on the school bus and the bus helper unable to stop them. I was able to pinpoint their location and get my 9 year old off the bus and comfort him quickly

<p>LaTanya Wright</p>

LaTanya Wright

AngelSense has been a lifesaver for my family. We purchased one for my son in October of last year. It came in handy when in December my son who
is autistic left without anyone noticing.

I was alerted as soon as he left the building and was able to pinpoint his location to his teacher. Within 15 minutes he was safely back in school. Thank you so much for giving my family peace of mind!

<p>Michelle Mayo</p>

Michelle Mayo

Thank you AngelSense for helping me locate my son yesterday! His school bus was involved in an accident and I managed to speak to him right away!
He was very anxious and scared but

with the AngelSense device I was able to calm him down! Thank You!

<p>Frank Campagna – <em>“Autism Daddy”</em></p>

Frank Campagna – “Autism Daddy”

I’ve been using AngelSense with my son with autism & epilepsy for years! We love it! He is non-verbal and prone to seizures. He also takes a LONG bus ride to school each day! I love the feature

where I can track the bus route and see where he is at any given time, and hear him if necessary. Don’t know if we would have sent him to that school if it weren’t for his ANGELSENSE!!

<p>Shannon R</p>

Shannon R

My youngest son who is 9 was being bullied at school. He would come home crying and begging me not to send him to school. With AngelSense I was able to hear what

students were saying to my son and I got to school to officially put a stop to it.

<p>Renee B</p>

Renee B

The bus driver let him and a classmate off the bus and left! It was the wrong school. They are both autistic with very limited verbal skills. Thank goodness the boys stayed

boys stayed together… I was able to keep track of them while I drove over to the school. If it wasn’t for the AngelSense tracker we wouldn’t have been able to find them.



I LOVE LOVE LOVE the AngelSense device! My daughter has been having problems with kids constantly picking on her and it just irks my soul! The principal wouldn’t meet with me to

deal with the situation therefore I took matters into my hands. Now that she has the device I can keep track of her when she’s on the bus and I can (use AngelCall) to keep her calm when she’s overwhelmed. She loves it as much as I do!

<p>Sharon M</p>

Sharon M

I feel at ease knowing I can see and hear where my son is when he is on his way to school and on his way home. That I can hear
what is going on at school so I know
whether or not he

is ok. So happy with AngelSense. Best purchase I could have made.

<p>Tracy Turner</p>

Tracy Turner

My son with autism is almost 4 and we absolutely love AngelSense. Never want to be without it EVER! He goes to pre k 4 days a week & rides the bus. It gives me such peace
knowing I can check in

anytime & hear how things are going & to know he’s exactly where he should be.

<p>L. Jackson</p>

L. Jackson

AngelSense is the best thing that I have ever bought for my daughter safety wise. I can see where she is, what route she took and everything. I love that I can hear what’s

going on and call and talk to her. She was so excited when she heard my voice on her ride home this Friday! Thank you for making my life a little more peaceful.

<p>Carrie E.</p>

Carrie E.

Today when I went to pick up my son from his school my fear came true. Cops running around the building with their guns drawn. I had no clue what was going on. All I knew is one
of the

cops said they are not releasing the students. I then remembered my son had his tracking device on him. I could hear the shaking in my son’s voice. I was able to tell him I’m right outside waiting for him and that everything is going to be ok.

<p>Brandy A.</p>

Brandy A.

I have a 7 year old son with Autism. One day I was alerted that his bus stopped along a major road that was mostly desert. His bus broke down and I knew because of his AngelSense

GPS. I was able to pick him up instead of making him wait in 110 degrees until the bus was fixed.

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