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New Study Shows Why You Should Get Your Special Child a GPS Tracking Device This Summer

Updated on March 13, 2024


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]It’s the what-if that lingers quietly at the back of every parent’s mind. What if something happens to my child when I’m not looking? For parents of children with special needs this is a reality they’re forced to face on an almost daily basis with studies suggesting that nearly half of children with autism will wander off alone. This puts children at tremendous risk, and takes an emotional toll on the family. After all it’s estimated that nearly 33% of special children who wander will require emergency medical attention.


While there’s no way to guarantee a child won’t wander, there are measures special needs parents can take to alleviate some of this stress. A new study published by the American Academy of Pediatrics explored how electronic tracking devices impact special needs families. The study found that in addition to keeping special children safe, the tracking devices actually improved a family’s overall quality of life.


Child GPS tracking device


What makes this study particularly interesting is that it’s the first study of its kind which explored the impact and efficacy of a tracking device. This study surveyed 1,345 special needs parents about the severity of their child’s disorder, their wandering episodes as well as the measures parents took to prevent incidents in the past such as extra locks.


GPS Tracking devices change lives

Some of the findings from this study are a confirmation of what we intuitively know to be true. There’s nothing surprising about the fact that tracking devices helped reduce parent-rated incidences of wandering by 23%. Tracking devices save lives. But what is eye-opening is how these devices dramatically reduce household anxiety.

The study found that before using a child tracking device, 87% of the families surveyed said that their fear of their child wandering impacted their decision to let their child spend time with others in their absence. However after using a tracking device, only 60% of parents said they felt this way. The majority (96%) of the parents surveyed said that using a tracking device improved their quality of life with 47% saying these devices made their life “somewhat better”. The ability of these devices to alleviate parents’ anxiety and stress cannot be ignored.


autistic child wandering


However not all parents surveyed were as quick or willing to adopt tracking devices. Of those surveyed, 42% said that they didn’t use a tracking device because their child wouldn’t like wearing it. Most tracking devices on the market, unlike AngelSense, have to be worn which a child with sensory sensitivity might struggle with.


Why this is particularly relevant during summer

A study like this comes as many special needs families around the country are preparing for their summer vacation. This isn’t a simple or stress-free time. In fact, for many of these families summer poses a series of unique challenges and is especially stressful for parents because it’s during summer that the reality and risks associated with wandering become too real to ignore. It’s estimated that in 2011 alone accidental drowning accounted for 91% of the deaths reported in special needs children 14 and younger.

This study is a reminder to all special needs families that they can have the summer they deserve. While a GPS tracking device, like the AngelSense GPS tracker for kids, won’t prevent your child from wandering, it will give you peace of mind and the opportunity to enjoy your vacation. With a good GPS tracking device you can rest assured that even if your child does wander off, you’ll be able to locate them within minutes.

How the AngelSense GPS Tracker Device helps alleviate summer stress

In addition to alleviating stress this summer, the AngelSense GPS tracker device comes with several unique features to make sure you always have peace of mind. Our features make tracking, monitoring and communicating with your special needs child quick and hassle-free.


How the AngelSense GPS Tracker Device helps alleviate summer stress


Why you should consider using AngelSense GPS during summer time:

We recently launched two new features just in time for summer. AngelCall is a two-way voice communication feature which turns AngelSense into the world’s first phone for individuals with special needs. This lets you call your child and speak to them at any time without them needing to pick up or click anything. In addition, we also launched a Wi-Fi search feature which makes it easy to find a child who wanders in a crowded indoor area such as a mall. This is designed to work in conjunction with our indoor alarm which will sound when a parent is near their missing child.

A GPS tracking device can help keep your special child safe and will alleviate some of the stress placed on your household. While this device can’t prevent your child from wandering, it will help you locate your child immediately and give you and your family the peace of mind to enjoy the summer vacation you deserve. The AngelSense team wishes you and your family a happy and safe summer vacation.

AngelSense is committed to creating a safer world for children with special needs. We designed the AngelSense GPS tracking solution to give parents the peace of mind that their child is safe at all times.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Get peace of mind from AngelSense, the groundbreaking AI-based assistive technology designed to enhance safety and peace of mind for individuals with special needs and their families. Our solution ensures you stay connected with your loved ones, empowering a higher level of independence while maintaining safety. Learn more about how AngelSense can make a difference for your family.

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