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Top 10 Autism Traits Which Get Overlooked

Updated on September 26, 2024

People with autism have a lot to offer the world. It’s time to re-evaluate and challenge what we know to be true about autism. This is the only way we’ll confront the many misconceptions about the disorder while also helping people with autism become functional members of society. 

In the article below, we explore basic facts about autistic tendencies and how they show that people with this condition have certain high-level functions. With these qualities in mind, we put together a list of the top 10 most overlooked traits of people with autism. It’s our hope that, by focusing on these strengths, people will learn to see autism as something other than a disability.

Understanding Autistic Traits

Are autistic people smart? Research suggests that low-functioning people with autism may be gifted, and in some ways, even more intelligent than people without autism. This is mainly because of how their brains process data, which makes them better at understanding numbers and patterns. Other studies have found that, because people with autism tend to excel at visual processing, they are up to 40% faster at problem-solving than other people.

Autistic traits vary widely, as autism is a spectrum disorder, with each individual exhibiting unique characteristics. The most common traits include: 

These differences do not reflect a lack of intelligence, but rather a distinct way of processing and expressing thoughts. Understanding these traits involves recognizing the unique perspectives and abilities that autistic individuals contribute, highlighting the importance of diversity in thought and experience. It’s important to appreciate this diversity, as it shows the need for tailored support and the celebration of differences within the autistic community.

Autism Pattern Recognition: Decoding Unique Cognitive Abilities

At the heart of many autism-based talents is an outstanding skill for recognizing patterns, sequences, and details that might be overlooked by others. This cognitive trait is a key aspect of how some autistic individuals perceive and interact with their environment. It involves a heightened awareness and analysis of sensory and conceptual patterns, ranging from visual and auditory stimuli to complex systems and abstract concepts. 

This unique skill set is particularly evident in areas requiring systematic thinking, such as mathematics, music, art, and computer programming. Some autistic individuals can quickly discern mathematical patterns or have an acute ability to remember and reproduce complex musical compositions. Their detailed focus allows them to excel in tasks that require the identification of intricate patterns, anomalies, or repetitions.

Exploring the Characteristics of Autism

There is so much about autism that people don’t understand. While it’s easy to focus on how the condition makes daily life and social interaction challenging, people with autism also have many unique skills and abilities that get overlooked. In some ways, the traits that are seen as “problematic” can instead be seen as advantages.

Trait 1. People with autism have exceptional long-term memory

Individuals with autism tend to have exceptional long-term memory. While they may struggle to recall things that happened a few minutes ago, they’re often able to remember events that took place years ago with vivid detail. In addition, most people with autism have an impressive ability to rote learn. The ability of someone with autism to recall facts is so unique it may, at times, seem like they have an encyclopedic memory.

Trait 2. People with autism excel at auditory and visual tasks

Research indicates that people with autism excel at auditory and visual tasks. In fact, many with autism outperform others at tasks that require these skills. This explains why individuals with autism do better on nonverbal intelligence tests. One study found that those with autism completed tests that required visual thinking and pattern recognition 40% faster than people without autism.

Trait 3. People with autism excel at creative thinking

Creative thinking may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of autism, but there are studies that suggest that people with autism may excel at creativity. In one study, the participants were asked to think of as many non-obvious uses for a brick and paper clip. Interestingly, while the participants with autism didn’t come up with as many solutions as the other participants, theirs were highly creative. It’s also significant to note that the individuals with autism jumped straight to the innovation solutions, while the other participants started with the obvious uses first.

Trait 4. People with autism demonstrate impressive math skills

It’s not uncommon for those with autism to excel at math. Their impressive mathematical ability and problem-solving skills are tied to a unique pattern of brain organization. In one study, it was found that high-functioning children with autism far outperformed their peers when it came to standardized math tests. They also used sophisticated problem-solving strategies that didn’t rely on rote learning or counting on their fingers. The study’s lead researcher explained: “Our study supports the idea that the atypical brain development in autism can lead, not just to deficits, but also to some remarkable cognitive strengths.”

Trait 5. People with autism are good at repetitive tasks

People with autism feel most comfortable with routine and predictability. They don’t thrive well in stressful environments where there is lots of change. As a result, individuals with autism tend to excel at repetitive tasks that require deep focus on one thing. More and more technology companies including Microsoft, Vodafone and HP are hiring individuals with autism for their unique ability to thrive at repetitive tasks. “We find them [individuals with autism] good for software testing and quality assurance; they can concentrate a long time on a repetitive task and spot mistakes better,” said Anka Wittenberg, SAP’s head of diversity.

Trait 6. People with autism have an eye for detail

Many researchers believe that it’s because of autism’s impact on the brain that people with the condition have the ability to remain focused, and notice even the tiniest of details. Individuals with autism tend to enjoy detail-oriented work and are able to work persistently without getting distracted.

Trait 7. People with autism tend to be less deceptive

While individuals with autism have the ability to deceive and to tell simple, white lies, research suggests that they’re less likely to cover up their initial lie. This means that they’re often unable to maintain consistency between the initial lie and subsequent statements. It’s also believed that lie-telling in people with autism is learned behavior rather than an intentional act of deception.

Trait 8. People with autism are non-judgmental

Because individuals with autism have a literal perception of the world, they tend to take things at face value without judging or interpreting them. This has led some researchers to conclude that people with autism perceive the world as it actually is as they don’t allow their brain to shape how they see things.

Trait 9. People with autism tend to be reliable and loyal employees

According to research conducted by The National Autistic Society, many common traits of autism in adults lead them to be conscientious and very committed to their work. The research also found that autism traits in women and men who are employees result in their being punctual, honest, and reliable. Levels of absenteeism are often lower among these workers.

Trait 10. People with autism have enhanced motion perception

One study found that individuals with autism perceive simple movements twice as fast as those without autism. In addition, there is also research that indicates that those with autism have the ability to perceive patterns and simple line drawings more quickly than those without the condition.

Identifying Signs of Intelligent Autism: A Closer Look at High-Functioning Individuals

Intelligent autism, often associated with the traits of high-functioning autism or Asperger’s Syndrome, is characterized by significant cognitive abilities as mentioned above, coupled with the challenges typical of the autism spectrum. Identifying the signs of intelligent autism involves recognizing both the intellectual strengths and the social-communication difficulties that these individuals often experience. 

Individuals with intelligent autism typically exhibit above-average intellectual abilities. They often have a rich vocabulary, an exceptional memory, and an intense interest in specific subjects. Their focus on areas of interest can lead to a deep, comprehensive understanding of those subjects, sometimes surpassing even that of experts. They are often analytical and possess a unique perspective that can lead to innovative solutions. 

However, alongside these intellectual strengths, there are challenges. Social interaction can be difficult due to struggles with understanding social cues, body language, and the subtleties of conversation. These individuals might find it hard to engage in small talk, interpret sarcasm, or understand the emotional nuances in social interactions. Additionally, they might have specific sensory sensitivities and a preference for routines and predictability.

AngelSense Assistive Technology  for Autism

AngelSense has a mission to protect those with autism who need additional safety measures. Many people with autism have a tendency to wander or elope. This can cause parents and caregivers great stress and worry. Some are also non-verbal or lack an understanding of danger. AngelSense was designed to address these and other safety and well-being concerns to help give parents and caregivers peace of mind.

Get peace of mind from AngelSense, the groundbreaking AI-based assistive technology designed to enhance safety and peace of mind for individuals with special needs and their families. Our solution ensures you stay connected with your loved ones, empowering a higher level of independence while maintaining safety. Learn more about how AngelSense can make a difference for your family.


  1. Cathy Calloway August 16, 2016 at 5:25 pm - Reply

    My grandson is 12 and awful at math but right on with everything else.

  2. Mary Wekch August 26, 2016 at 4:03 pm - Reply

    Angel sense has written very important information for parents and grandparents of autistic children. I’m trying to convince my daughter to get the gps tracking system for my grandson who loves to wander away from us in public areas. I fear taking him in public alone because he runs away hiding between clothes or running down isles in a store. My biggest fear is that he will walk away from my daughters apartment due to her being a hard sleeper. She said getting the gps tracker is like having another bill that she can’t afford. My grandson is five. Guess I need to stay on her to get angel sense in her budget before something drastic happens to him.

  3. Josh Mason September 30, 2016 at 3:54 am - Reply

    There’s only so far that loyalty can be pushed however, my job has pushed me to the point where the only reason I’m sticking around is financial requirements, and that’s coming from an autistic.

  4. Marilyn October 4, 2016 at 4:40 am - Reply

    My son is also awful with math but so dead on in other aspects and as he matures he has grown in so many ways, people forget that talking with them about reasons or what they think a conversation may men to them is also key with my son !!

  5. Barbara Davidson November 1, 2016 at 5:51 pm - Reply

    Looking back I can see several traits in me and still see some at 61. Back then my parents showed me how to overcome many problems and accept the ones I couldn’t solve at that time. The Doctors didn’t have a clue about autism. They have come a long way.

  6. Mary November 1, 2016 at 11:37 pm - Reply

    My son is 5 and can hear an album on cd once and know what number each song is, he’ll say “mom I want to listen to Aftermath it’s number 11, and he only listened 1 time to that cd. I was so impressed I went through each number and he knew them all. He can also mimic people’s expressions perfect, if he gets through his speech delay and shyness he would make a great stand up comedian.

  7. Sharon Pro November 2, 2016 at 5:16 am - Reply

    My son is five and remembers when he fell in the snow with his father at age 1 step by step. His memory amazes me!

  8. Kristin Mackay November 2, 2016 at 1:50 pm - Reply

    My son is now 22, I have been fighting to get him tested and diagnosed since he was 3 yrs old. I got told by every counselor, he is just too smart to have Autism/Asberger’s. He saw a few psychologists and I just kept getting from them, he is too smart! He would have breakdowns, and he and I would just sit him in my lap we rocked back and forth. This could be all the time, or just a few. He did not and still doesn’t like to talk except his with friend’s (he has about 5 friends). If he was given a diagnosis at 3 yrs old, we would have known what we could do in school to help him. He has a lot of social anxiety and I never thought he wold have a job, is buying a car and got his license this year. But, he really wants to be diagnosed.

  9. Nikki November 2, 2016 at 8:53 pm - Reply

    I wish they would ask about the positives that make “someone you know” with autism special, instead of “your child with autism”. Autism is a lifelong neurological disorder. You’re born and die with it. Therefore, unless every autistic individual automatically passes away at age 18 (and we know this to be an absurd assumption), there are plenty of autistic adults out there, who should also be taken into account. Here’s my two cents, as an autistic adult, because I have a passion for bringing hope to the parents and grandparents out there…. I was good at math at a time when common core was not a thing. Then I struggled greatly at understanding algebra, because it was such an abstract concept. By the end of high school, however, I was doing great at calculus. My point is, your child may be better at math than you think, and it may depend on the way in which it is being taught. 😉

  10. Liz hamer November 3, 2016 at 1:42 am - Reply

    My 20 yr old son with aspergers is very empathetic and compassionate. Of his own initiative, he volunteers at Feed My Starving Children, volunteers at a nursing home and regularly donates blood, despite his fear of needles. He is devoted to making the world a better place. I am very proud of him.

  11. MamaCat November 3, 2016 at 4:48 pm - Reply

    The creativity, honesty, and loyalty are especially true of my love. I would add that she has always excelled at conceptual thinking. She is gifted and horrible at rote memorization , but I have always been amazed at her grasp of concepts well beyond her age level.

  12. Robert Gill November 3, 2016 at 6:39 pm - Reply

    When I was young I sucked at math, but later in life I was teaching it in college. Just because they may not seem to retain something now, it is being filed away for later use. Remember the long term memory works in many different ways. As I tell my youngest son, we are the next phase in the evolution of mankind. The rest have to strive to catch up to us.

  13. Carmen November 3, 2016 at 11:19 pm - Reply

    Extremely empathetic!

  14. Cortland Richmond November 3, 2016 at 11:29 pm - Reply

    When I tell someone that I’m autistic or have Asperger’s – the neurologist didn’t differentiate between them – they’ll often come back with “Oh! You think in pictures!” That’s not actually the case for me, but since I think in what might be called kinetic reasoning – muscle memory – I find it easier to just tell them it’s not actually quite how things work for me, and only get into detail if the discussion allows.

    I suspect that many of these common traits aren’t shared by the majority of those with high functioning autism or Asperger’s syndrome, but that they are on the list because they are quite common in the population as a whole.

    And at age 72, I’ve grown up enough that Oliver Sacks’ “Anthropologist on Mars” may finally have learned enough to defend his PhD thesis about the natives.

    Please don’t pigeonhole any of us. There are as many different ways to think as there are people who think, neurotypical or not.

  15. Deana November 4, 2016 at 12:37 am - Reply

    I thought my son was awful at math, too. When he reached adulthood, I had him retested and it turned out he 2as solving equations so quickly without normal intermediate steps that he only appeared to.e struggling. WE wasted a lot of years. He just finished his accounting degree. He is a wiz.

  16. Don't and Doug's Mom November 4, 2016 at 6:05 pm - Reply

    I have two wonderful Autistic grown sons, so I know all of the joys and burdens and price tags faced by the parents or parent. Grandma I expect is right that it would be a great benefit to her grandson. Here’s my thought Grandma, instead of pushing your daughter to find room in her budget, find some room in your budget, and help both of them.

  17. TH November 4, 2016 at 6:07 pm - Reply

    It was very lovely to hear about all the wonderful way our autistic children can be amazing (even if it is, obviously, quite individual at the same time). Not enough of that. My daughter, too – terrible at math, just awful at it. But amazing with music.

    I’ll be honest though, part of me cringed a little at the person first language. I know everyone has their own views on this, but I just thought I’d share an opposing viewpoint on the idea of saying our ‘children with autism’ vs. our ‘autistic children.’


  18. Kimberly November 4, 2016 at 9:15 pm - Reply

    And what would you say about a person who exhibits every one of these traits but isn’t diagnosed as autistic?

  19. laurie November 5, 2016 at 12:39 am - Reply

    I have to agree with most of them! My 18 year old does not sit down and “do math”…he hates it! But he helps out in the school store and is able to figure out what the change should be before he rings the item up. Folks at the school call it a “sliver skill”.

  20. Lynn Lynn November 5, 2016 at 4:12 am - Reply

    Music! He loves the rhythm playing the drums, trumpet and piano.
    So proud of my child…

  21. Nanette November 5, 2016 at 4:17 am - Reply

    My son ( age 25) can tell you the day of the week for any date you give him & go back 10 years, & he remembers everything.

  22. Stephanie November 5, 2016 at 4:44 am - Reply

    This is my son and husband to a T!!
    My husband is a CPA.

  23. Kristen November 5, 2016 at 4:59 am - Reply

    My son is on the high end of the spectrum. He was always great at putting together puzzles. He would just start putting pieces together before doing the edge. Overall, he thinks outside the box when problem solving.

  24. Judy Padron November 5, 2016 at 1:54 pm - Reply

    My son is 27 & had gone years undiagnosed with High Functioning Autism. Was told early on he had ADHD with multiple learning disabilities. It wasn’t until he aged out of school & I searched to find someone to diagnose him. He lost many years of help because of this.

  25. Laura Hardin November 5, 2016 at 3:46 pm - Reply

    My son (12yo) is awful at math and has trouble staying focused but definitely has all of the other traits described in article. He is diagnosed with autism, severe ADHD, Tourette’s.

  26. Carmen November 5, 2016 at 9:05 pm - Reply

    My daughter has Asperger, she is also Deaf, she also has dyscalculia and is awful at maths, but can remember long numbers, great at patterns etc. She has excellent visual memory, she can just look at a book case or a pile of DVD etc and she knows what is there. Great when you can’t remember whether you’ve got a particular book or DVD! She is also fantastic with words, she love words and language, writes the most powerful poems.

  27. Susan November 5, 2016 at 10:20 pm - Reply

    I can see why so many children who actually have fetal alcohol syndrome disorders are commonly mis diagnosed with autism. Problem is that the interventions are not the same.

  28. Kathy November 5, 2016 at 10:29 pm - Reply

    My son has all of them

  29. dkomd November 5, 2016 at 11:30 pm - Reply

    My mom showed this to me, it’s true!

  30. Betty Vitela November 6, 2016 at 12:24 am - Reply

    I can see things that normal people can’t see the little things. Like in a picture, looking at an open field, a house I know my job I’m very loyal to it never miss a day . I notice things my boss doesn’t see

  31. Phyllis Wall November 6, 2016 at 3:37 am - Reply

    Cathy Calloway, he may not be awful at math but going at it in an unconventional way that is not being recognized as successful.

  32. Sheri lee November 6, 2016 at 7:33 am - Reply

    My son was great at math until they brought the common core into the school! Now he struggles. But is outstanding in all the above and more. I find that they become experts at something that the find interesting or love. With us it’s Halloween! He can put together animatronics, fix them also. He can tell you the real and stage name of any actor in almost any horror/sci fi movie. Makes trivia night a breeze!

  33. Agnes upton November 6, 2016 at 8:53 am - Reply

    This was so nice to read. My almost 7 yr old has autism and this just made me feel so much better because he is good at math, great and fast at problem solving, loves to paint and is artistic and creative, he does well with repetition. Etc.and fell into the categories described. Thank you for putting this together. It is appreciated.

  34. Agnes upton November 6, 2016 at 8:58 am - Reply

    This is to the woman about the worrying about the child wandering from apartment, I had my son wander out on porch one time, this was way previous to becoming aware of he being autistic where the possibility of wandering is higher than the average child. I went out and bought a latch and hook type of door lock a chain for back door and had them put at top of doors, bought window locks too. A good idea would be to print out some helpful ideas regarding home safety with special needs children for your daughter and go over them with her. I learned you can almost never be too safe with autistic children… You never know when they may get curious enough to wander, etc…

  35. Anonymous November 6, 2016 at 9:27 pm - Reply

    Our daughter has Dyscalculia along with her Autism, ADHD, OCD, and other issues. Most of this article fits her except for the math part.

  36. Debbie November 6, 2016 at 9:42 pm - Reply

    My son has extreme strength……he is 29 yrs old, weighs 195 and has deadlifted 500 in powerlifting competition at state competition.

  37. Mike November 6, 2016 at 11:19 pm - Reply

    Yep – it’s me pretty much. My math and problem solving skills are beyond exceptional. I have no idea how I do it, but I always have a clear line of sight to the path to follow to solve problems. I remember by 1st year calculus exam. It was a 3.5 hour exam. I was done in 45 minutes, and scored 100%. I sat at my desk for another 15 minutes and decided I wasn’t going to wait any longer…

    Same thing with modern symbolic logic. My professor was blown away at what I was able to do. He suggested I should change majors.

  38. Rosie Dudas November 8, 2016 at 3:51 am - Reply

    We have a 9 year old granddaughter she is very smart speaks 3 languages, and she sings some times in French it’s wild…. She laughs, will tell you a joke she heard also she also loves to laugh. And her sister said laugh fake an she did it, oh she’s a handful nodoubt but she also makes us very proud!!!!

  39. Terence Lynch November 8, 2016 at 3:56 am - Reply

    Most of the characteristics of Asperger’s Syndrome, and likely classic autism as well, revolve around the expectations of the giving and receiving of honesty. Naivete, bluntness, literal thinking, rigid thinking, gullibility, and others I can’t remember at the moment.

    Betrayal is devastating. Confrontation is terrifying.

  40. Ron November 8, 2016 at 4:48 am - Reply

    Just wondering if you posters had a speech delay and when you started speaking.

  41. Jess November 8, 2016 at 6:59 am - Reply

    Repetitive tasks hmmm. I worked with a woman who had severe autism. Non verbal often aggressive. We got her a job at a pizza place. Just a couple hours a day 5 days a week. She folded take out pizza boxes & put flyers on the boxes. She was amazing to watch in action. Her hands flew. I used to try to keep up with her for fun. No contest she beat me hands down.

  42. Sarah November 8, 2016 at 7:17 pm - Reply

    At 7 years old my daughter had a sight word vocabulary of more than 1000. She had a hard time reading phonetically but would replace words she couldn’t comprehend with an interchangeable word.

  43. M Hardin November 15, 2016 at 7:55 am - Reply

    Sounds like it would be helpful. I am mimi of a 12 year old grand daughter who has aspergers syndrome. I am 72 and trying to be her learning coach for K12 online school. She has been on medd for years & adding more. Both parents work and I have had her since birth. I have scheduled her to see a psycologists to get an IEP & hopefully then put her in a school. I am not up to having her & trying to be teacher too.

  44. Ellen S November 15, 2016 at 6:28 pm - Reply

    2 of my sons have exceptional hearing and their senses are enhanced. My youngest has to wear noise canceling headphones because he hears everything. We live on the first floor apartment and he hears the 2nd and 3rd floor conversations and everything else…They are both very detail oriented.

  45. Laura November 15, 2016 at 10:20 pm - Reply

    My 11 year old son has a breakdown everyday in math but he can do the work. He’s always been good at math but thinks he isn’t. Don’t know if it’s the common core curriculum or the teacher. Something about the class gives him excessive anxiety and I don’t know how to help him. I email the guidance counselor today and it told her, we needed to come up with a solution to this problem. I hate to think he is melting down everyday when he is capable of the the work I’m very suspicious of the common core.

  46. Melissa November 17, 2016 at 9:50 am - Reply

    I have two boys that are also autistic. They are both so special. One has this kind heart, emotional driven, very detailed. He tells me if im coloring a picture wrong. My other son sings in french and sings pretty much all the time. He studies DVDs very intensely. He loves his tablet. He memorizes everything. To me i believe each child is born with a gift. Its a matter of finding their strength and seizing it. My one son will be strong in art and the other music. Austic kids take everything to heart. They see the world as it is but both of my kids have the softest hearts. I know by teaching snd showing them they will do great things.

  47. Max cusens November 18, 2016 at 2:44 am - Reply

    Speaking as a child of 13 with high functioning autism I can most definitely say that these facts are not only true but not dealt with by teachers,parents or students knowing the symptoms is a start but maybe actually saying how to cope/deal with them and adapt teaching,parenting and cohabitation to these abilities as I struggle with these things ps I am not directly saying these exact symptoms on the page but the whole spectrum.

  48. Sidra @ AngelSense November 28, 2016 at 11:33 am - Reply

    Hi Kelly, Did you try a different AngelSense device or cancel the service? Sometimes it’s just a matter of having the wrong SIM card for the area where you live. If you want to try a different device/SIM, you can always order again (we are currently having a big sale) and try it for 30 days. If you have questions, please use our live chat on our website during office hours.

  49. Brandy Lyle November 29, 2016 at 3:10 am - Reply

    My son Honor is a blessing to me!! He always thrives to make mom happy and always tells me he will take care of me, as I have him. He amazes me daily with all the special Abilities he has. His most prominent action is immitating sounds. He loves Star Wars and can immitate the sounds of the swords, sword fights, pod racers and any shop on that movie. He can immitate almost any soynd, it amazes me. Maybe he would make a great sound effects person as an adult. Who really knows, as parents of Awesome kids like these the sky isn’t the limit when they are concerned!! Love my Boys and look forward to what all of our children are going to bring to the future!!

  50. Pamela November 29, 2016 at 7:02 am - Reply

    My son is now 12 and just been diagnosed finally. I’ve known his whole life though that he thinks differently and in patterns. I was told early on that he couldn’t read well and was well below his grade level because he couldn’t read off 5 columns of words within a certain time frame, yet I was sitting with him at night with him reading me chapter books. I finally had the teacher put the words in paragraph form and he wound up 2 grade leves above. It was the columns. He explained all he saw was letters and not whole words, but put into paragraph form the letters formed words. Also he struggled in basic math until a teacher of his figured out he could use a clock face to add and subtract. He would use the patterns to get answers such as the specific line pattern formed by going from 2 to 7 to 10 to 5 represented 24. I was blown away by that. Afterwards we used dominoes too to help him in math. Now he visualizes problems in his head and solves them without “showing his work”. Kudos to his math teacher this year…she’s very patient and forgiving about him not showing his work every time 🙂

  51. Krissi November 30, 2016 at 11:15 pm - Reply

    I have audio processing disorder whick is linked to asbergers and have a very hard time with eye contact am misunderstood almost every other day cause of it I have a hard time inviting myself into large group conversations takes longer to process audio info but still here it but get words mizes up like free might sou d like three ifnheard to fast and tone makes a huge difference also

  52. Pamela December 3, 2016 at 12:26 am - Reply

    My nephew is 6 and he has this habit of watching movies or shows on repeat until he learns every word and action done and said by the actors or animations. Then he acts them all out in sync with the movie. It’s quite incredible how he is able to do that. He knows countless lines for a bunch of movies and shows. He never forgets them, even if he hasn’t heard or said them in months. He’s also very creative and energetic. He’ll spend hours jumping around the house pretending to be spider man, samurai or one of the Star Wars characters. He truly is a joy! I don’t see autism as problem or a disease. It’s not a “condition” that needs a cure. Autistic individuals simply need to be understood and accepted. They are different in the form that they think and see the world differently. To be honest, I am convinced that autistic individuals will be the ones to make the greatest changes the world will ever see.

  53. Crissy Dowell December 3, 2016 at 5:41 am - Reply

    I am an autistic adult. My 9 yo son, is just like me. I am almost incapable of telling a lie, to the point that no one likes me much. I cannot be devious, and I don’t try to get back at others who do me wrong. I have a difficult time looking straight at people. I use “big” words regular people have to lookup in dictionary. My son is same way. He loves physics, space planets and WW1 and 2. Extremely good long term memory. Thanks!!!

  54. Lisa December 8, 2016 at 12:38 pm - Reply

    My child is too smart for her own good. That being said; she excels in everything verbally. Not so much the written aspect. She can look at a math problem and solve it without working it out on paper. If she breaks it down into a process it gets confusing for her. It’s like not knowing why blue is your favorite color, but it is.

  55. lynn December 9, 2016 at 10:53 pm - Reply

    My son has an unreal conception of knowing how to say things to people when they are in real stress…I cant believe the words are actually coming out of his mouth….Other than that, he repeats himself everyday with stories from school, never leaving out a detail. I let him go on, and make believe he is telling me the story for the first time…He is now 42. I hope they really expand things for the kids coming up because every therapist could not chip away at his changing ways…..I never understood it until five years ago….

  56. Sharon Silva December 10, 2016 at 5:51 am - Reply

    My son is a high functioning autistic He was always under estimated at school, and is all A’s, except for Math (he does have some damage to his math center), he can’t get a high school diploma only because he didn’t pass the Math MCAS. There isn’t any college that will talk to him because the school gave him a certificate of attainment instead of a diploma. What a terrible waste of a good mind! He is so awesome with history that he wanted to be a history teacher for children with the same disability, how can they just crush his dreams.

  57. Becky December 11, 2016 at 5:37 pm - Reply

    Sounds like my son except he is awful at math

  58. Holly December 12, 2016 at 2:48 pm - Reply

    My daughter has excelled in her finance and accounting major in college and has been nominated by her professors to serve as a student intern in China’s financial markets because, “she is fearless and not easily intimidated by her competition even though she is younger than her male counterparts.” So her lack of ability to read the social cues has helped her to excel in a traditionally male dominated field.

  59. Dolores January 19, 2017 at 8:10 pm - Reply

    My Grandson only 6, seems to be very good with numbers, but he also read, knows colors, shapes, seems to sound out the words. Memory is remarkable. he is also very sweet, and seems to have very good balance. He is physically very strong.

  60. Stacey January 21, 2017 at 10:19 am - Reply

    My son fits this to a T. When he was diagnosed 11 years ago, doctors told me he’d probably never walk, never talk, and never go to school. Now he’s 13 and taking college courses in math and science and will talk your ear off if you let him. My mother talked to him today about the election and he did just that.

    Thank you for this. I wish more people would see that my son is not a “weirdo” and is actually gifted in many ways. He’s not the typical teen, and he’s special because of it.

  61. Patty wright February 5, 2017 at 3:25 am - Reply

    My son never liked math and it wasn’t good at it but the rest of the list is right on. My son remembers every car we had and everything about it. My son is 36 and he loves taking things apart. He takes motors and things apart to sell for scrap. He will go out as soon as it’s light till dark. He loves it.

  62. Heidi February 20, 2017 at 4:35 pm - Reply

    My husband has brought so many wonderful gifts to our relationship. His intelligence and humulity is what first attracted me to him. Now I’m blessed with his dedication to our children and his daily integrity to do things right.

  63. Kathleen Stuart March 1, 2017 at 11:42 pm - Reply

    As I read this article, I just kept checking off the things that my autistic son was good at – memory (just amazing), visual (he could tell you when a house, not in close neighborhood, had been painted even), math (yep, could do amazing things in his head), repetitive skills, detail oriented (he was always the first to notice when I got my hair cut), non judgmental and yes he was also savant when it came to mapping skills. We had friends that would call and ask James how to get somewhere. James would say how he hated being autistic, but we would remind him of the amazing things he could do that the rest of the family couldn’t. I miss him dearly since he passed away six years ago. Never underestimate what anyone can do!

    • Sidra @ AngelSense March 15, 2017 at 2:04 pm - Reply

      Thank you for sharing Kathleen.

  64. Sharon March 12, 2017 at 8:36 pm - Reply

    My grandson, age 25 now, was diagnosed w/Asperger’s Syndrome when he was a senior in high school (why it wasn’t noticed before that, I don’t know) but almost all of the above 10 traits have since been noticed. It is a Social problem in that he doesn’t just go up to someone and start talking, He has only a couple of friends, He seems to relate to older people rather than those of his own age group. He went on to college and managed to be on the President’s List …got his BS Degree. Oh, he also made straight A’s throughout grade and high schools and he has a memory like an elephant….every tiny detail it seems. He has a driver’s license…but says he doesn’t like to drive….the people are crazy he says. He is employed part time al the while looking for a permanent job. Because of his lack of being an extrovert socially, he is having a very difficult time with interviews. If only people were aware of the attributes of this syndrome they would have the perfect employee…always on time, never lollygagging, finishes the job to perfection (due to OCD) never crosses the line and does what he’s told. So sad……..

  65. Momina June 24, 2017 at 1:37 am - Reply

    hi everybody
    in My daughter i see she s vry clever very simple. she s non verbal . but can copy and remembers each and every of her rhymes tones. her favourite cartoons names and character names even though she cant say the word. but she give me response when i ask her by name wht would she like to watch .

    • Sidra @ AngelSense June 28, 2017 at 12:43 pm - Reply

      Thanks for sharing Momina!

  66. Stephanie Raley March 26, 2018 at 7:39 pm - Reply

    My daughter is incredibly musically gifted. She is synisthetic and can pick up any instrument and learn to play it. She’s a little ahead of other kids at math, even though she absolutely hates it, and she’s incredible at writing and grammar. She sometimes has a very bad temper, but otherwise I know she’ll grow up to do incredible things.

  67. Serenity May 20, 2018 at 11:28 pm - Reply

    My brother is four years old and he has autism. It is very hard to keep up with him. I love him so much ❤️🤓

  68. Anna October 29, 2020 at 1:41 am - Reply

    As an autistic myself, I agree with these, except for a few. I wonder if autism is associated with an enlarged hippocampus. Because I’ve had that since I was a baby, my right hippocampus has always been bigger. That is associated with my epilepsy, but I wonder, since it is a key part of memory, if it also is part of autism.

    Extreme long term memory – Check, I definitely have this trait. I also have very good short term memory as well.
    Auditory and Visual skills – Check, If somebody blindfolded me and played a note, I could tell the note letter, octave, and with the exception of Violin vs Viola, the instrument as well.
    Creativity – Check, I do this all the time. I compose my own music, a very creative skill.
    Math Skills – Check, I was able to take the derivative of a function in 9th grade.
    Repetition – Check, I’m good at doing something repetitive
    Detail Oriented – Check, I do have an eye for detail, even my speech tends to be detailed when I do speak.
    Non-deceptive – Check, I am so honest in fact that I get an internal anger even from a white lie
    Non-judgemental – Check, I take things literally, sometimes too literally
    Reliability and Loyalty – I haven’t really been in a situation that requires this so I can’t really say
    Enhanced motion perception – In games, absolutely. In real life, slow reaction time, so no.

  69. Adam August 18, 2021 at 11:15 pm - Reply

    My sister has autism.She has a very good long term memory and is very creative.She likes to listen to audio books.She is very loyal and truthful.She is just very misunderstood.

  70. Ann McDaniels April 3, 2023 at 2:41 am - Reply

    My granddaughter is autistic. She speaks, but does not always answer when call. She likes to hide or wander off. I have been after her parents, who are separated, to get a tracker for her; however they do not feel it is necessary. They are both in the low-income category.

  71. Liucia August 14, 2023 at 8:04 pm - Reply

    Nice I never knew I had such things. It kinda makes me feel better now. Į recently got diagnosed with autism and I had an existencial crisis of my own. But its good to remember that there are good things too. Curently I am looking for some help to help me learn about my self more so I could have a good quality life. If you guys know anything in London that could help I would be very great full.

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