How A Child with Autism Can Qualify For Disability Benefits
Updated on January 22, 2024This guest post is brought to you by Deanna Power, the Director of Outreach at Disability Benefits Help, an independent organization dedicated to helping people of all ages get the Social Security disability benefits they need. Deanna specializes in helping applicants determine if they’re medically eligible for disability via the SSA’s criteria.
If your child has autism, your family may be eligible for financial assistance. The Social Security Administration (SSA) offers monthly disability benefits for people of all ages, including minor children. While many children with autism have no difficulty qualifying for disability benefits for medical reasons, technical eligibility is more challenging. If approved, your family could receive around $750 per month that can be spent on any of your child’s or family’s daily living needs.
When considering disability benefits for an autistic child, it’s important to understand the factors that can influence the decision-making process. Can a child with autism be denied SSI? Yes, it’s possible. Applications for SSI may be denied if the child’s condition doesn’t meet the Social Security Administration’s criteria for disability, or if the family’s income and resources exceed certain thresholds.
Securing disability for an autistic child requires thorough documentation of the child’s condition and how it impacts their daily functioning. Parents should provide comprehensive medical records, educational reports, and any relevant therapy assessments to strengthen their case. It’s also advisable to understand the appeal process, as initial denials can sometimes be overturned with additional or clarified information.
Financial Income Requirements And Disability
Anyone under age 18 applying on his or her own record will only qualify for Supplemental Security Income, or SSI benefits. These benefits are only offered to the most financially needy families. This means that if you or your spouse is earning a high income, your child will not be eligible for SSI due to autism. The good news here is that the bigger your family, the higher your income limits. For example, a single parent with one child cannot earn more than $38,000 (pre-tax) and still have a child qualify with autism. A two-parent family of five, however, could earn nearly $60,000. You can find your specific household income limit online.
Financial limitations are the top reason why children with autism are denied SSI benefits. The good news is that once your child turns 18, he or she will likely qualify for SSI regardless of whether your child is still living at home. Once a child is 18 the SSA no longer counts parents’ income when determining SSI thresholds.
What is the difference between Social Security disability and SSI?
Understanding the distinction between Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is crucial when seeking benefits for a child with autism or other disabilities. SSDI is based on the disabled individual’s work history and payroll tax contributions. In the case of children, it often depends on the work record of a parent.
On the other hand, SSI is a needs-based program for individuals with limited income and resources, regardless of their work history. This makes SSI more accessible for children with disabilities like autism who have not been employed. While SSDI payments are based on the earnings record of the applicant or
Medical Qualifications And Autism
The SSA uses its own medical guide, known colloquially as the Blue Book, when determining if an applicant is eligible for Social Security benefits. The Blue Book lists all test results or symptoms needed to be approved for disability benefits. Autism is listed as a qualifying condition in the Childhood Blue Book. To be eligible for SSI, your child must have medical documentation of both of the following:
- Measurable deficits in verbal and non verbal communication, as well as deficits in social interactions, AND
- Restricted or repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities
Additionally, a child with autism must have “extreme” limitation in one, or noticeable limitations in any two of the following criteria:
- Understanding, remembering, or applying information
- Interacting with others (taking directions, playing with other children, etc.)
- Concentrating and completing tasks
- “Adapting oneself,” which means controlling emotions
The entire Blue Book is accessible online, so you can review the childhood autism listing with your child’s doctor to help determine if he or she has the medical evidence needed to qualify.
Starting Your Child’s SSI Application
All SSI applications must be completed in person at your closest Social Security office. There are more than 1,300 SSA offices located across the country, so you’ll likely have more than one option when scheduling an appointment. Before applying in person, be sure to review the SSA’s Child Disability Starter Kit. This online resource outlines exactly what paperwork you’ll need to have on hand to successfully apply for SSI on behalf of a child.
What Is Considered a Disability by Social Security?
Under the guidelines of the Social Security Administration (SSA), a disability is defined as a medical condition or a combination of conditions that significantly impair an individual’s ability to perform substantial gainful activity. This includes both physical and mental disabilities.
For children, the SSA evaluates whether the condition(s) severely limits their functioning at home, school, and in social settings. The disability must be expected to last at least 12 months or result in death. Autism, for instance, is often considered a qualifying disability under these guidelines, especially when it severely impacts a child’s communicative, social, and behavioral capabilities.
However, the determination of disability goes beyond the diagnosis itself; it also involves an assessment of how the condition affects day-to-day activities and development.
Helpful Resources:
Income Limits:
Blue Book For Autism:
SSA Offices:
Child Disability Starter Kit:
SSI For Adults:
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Or do you by any chance have any plans with these devices for children with autism for low-income families?
I can understand why autistic kids get educational help and therapy, but why do they receive money? My family members have an autistic son and they don’t buy him anything different, also all therapy and education is already paid by the state. Just curious as to why they receive money on top of the state help. Thanks
Every Autistic child is different. Some require DIFFERENT things. My son has to go to 3 different therapies alone. Requires constant supervision and special equipment that costs a lot of money. I don’t get benefits for him but I’m at a point where I have to cut back working because he for 1: needs me at home, and for 2: the stuff he needs costs way more than anything my other kids have. He has to have things like speech tablets and sensory swings which even working full time making 16/hr isn’t cutting it. I don’t know why people think the state pays for every thing. I’m at ends financially and need help. So that’s why my son needs it. So I can give him the attention he needs and still have a roof over his head and pay for the sensory and speech and etc things he needs
Hello Cheri as a mother of autistic kid, let me tell you that is different kids with autism I’m going to tell you about mine, he is 13 and he still use diapers he can’t drink any kind of milk and his food is different, he is very picky, plus his medication.Yes insurance helps but we still have to pay for medical and insurance will not pay for his food or diapers. Diapers are very expensive, not all this autistic kids need the same things other don’t need much, and other need a lot. Sometimes people judge and they don’t really know what’s going on in our lives with this Ángels. ❤️
Because most of the autistics parents needs to dedicate large amount of hours in education, therapies and many other things in order to help in the best way a child with autism, which in most cases carry out an elevated stress level and may not allow you to work and you would while having a neurothipycal kid. this is basically the reason. If you receive some sort of income you may feel worry less and dedicate to your child completely, I hope this can help you understand our point of view
My grandson has just been diagnosed autistic level 3. He will have to have special beds, diapers, travel expenses to and from therapies, his mom cannot work, etc. as he gets older. Yes, money is needed.
Some of them have more severe needs that Medicaid nor insurances cover. Some autistic children are nonverbal and need more help than others. That’s kind of ignorant to say don’t you think ? Not everyone’s situation is the same
Because not all autistic kids are the same. Some require MUCH more extensive supports that are not covered by typical insurance. Some parents have to quit their jobs to care for their child, meaning less income. Once you’ve met one autistic kid, you’ve met ONE autistic kid. Generalizing won’t work here.
I am here to find answers. My son is 8 and has all the potential, but lacks the exposure to find his limits; in his way. Childcare is a challenge. Meaningful childcare or after school programs are almost impossible to get into. I use whatever I can to give him that exposure, but my options are limited. I would pay it forward and use this to hire a student /intern in a Special Needs programs. Hardly enough money, but it’s the only realistic idea I have.
I have a severe autistic child with mentally disabled. She is 15 years old now and still wearing diapers. She needs 2 person to take care of her because she has behavioral problems. I’m not much help to my husband who sacrificed his career to take care for her for I need to work.
the truth is almost no families get money for having an autistic child, almost no one qualifies. They make it very challenging. We have two autistic children and besides some help at school, we have never had any help in any way. There is no one helping families navigate it. If you are low income and get into birth to three those families get a little help navigating options. most families bear the stress and challenges on their own. If there is help, most families have a hard time navigating it.
I agree with everyone. Every autistic child is not the same. My son is 10 and when you meet him you think he’s typical. It’s not to you try to talk to him that you realize there’s something wrong, because he doesn’t have immediate physical cues that he’s disabled. He has been receiving therapy since 1 1/2 and still only uses a few words in sentences which we are great full for but we spent sometimes $600 per month on speech therapy which wasn’t always reimbursed. Activities that are appropriate for their abilities are not free and you have to add transportation which is not provided and with a lot of kids, you have to stay and supervise just in case they can’t stay or have an issue with the activity or are disruptive which is not their fault, so for us summer camp was always a no. Plus he’s not verbal enough to say if anyone did anything to him so we limit it to school only. He will probably need someone to take care of him for the rest of his life. I know people usually don’t know everything if they don’t care for an autistic child so I can understand the lack of knowledge as I was before our son was diagnosed. hope this helps.
@cheri if you don’t have an autistic child in your home it’s really hard for you to question what they buy that child really. My son is autistic no I don’t buy him things that’s noticeable to everyone if they see him occasionally but for my husband and I who see him everyday we can see and noticed what we have bought for him. I can’t work my husband does because it is very hard to find trustworthy people who will treat your child the right way so I stay home and whatever bills we need help on the we may use some of his funds to support the lack of me not working not that anyone else household is anyone else’s business but if your family is taking care of their child and not neglecting the child then it shouldn’t raise any eyebrows from you or anyone else.
Cheri if you are not directly taking care of a child with special needs then see your way out. I am a frustrated Mom starting my journey and came to this site for help from a google search. The first comment I see is your ignorant one. Did the answers above give you any comfort as to why families receive help or extra benefits? Do you feel left out because you dont receive a check as well? I am curious as to why you would even ask that. You have no idea what some people go through.
My daughter just got diagnosed with autism. By all means is it not easy when i used to work 40 plus hours a week over time all the time to having to stop working because as my daughter grew up ive noticed some things where just hard for her to accomplish on her own and she doesnt talk. She wouldnt eat being watched by other family member’s watching her. Etc… so therefore me not being able to work to care for her means less income for my family of 4. So anything that my daughter qualify’s for should be looked at as a blessing not something for people to look down upon due to their incompetence of being able to understand anothers situation. I pray for us all to get it right one day. No judgment towards another.
Jen you say your son wears diapers so does mine I don’t know if you have Medicaid or not but if you have Medicaid Medicaid will pay for the diapers and baby wipes and bedliners disposable and washable
Not everything is paid for. There can be a lot of extra expenses such as home health equipment. Or for myself I have to travel for every therapy. These therapies are not like school sports. You can not go to them after work they are in the middle of the day several times a week. Good luck finding a FT job that works around that.Also parents of autistic children can not simply send thier kid to daycare like regular kids. They require MUCH more care.
Autistic children/adults require financial assistance the rest of their lives, even after the parents die. Many cannot work, and without financial assistance, how can they be fed, clothed, tended?
Many families with autistics have to reduce work hours or quit their jobs to tend their autistics, which can financially ruin a family. Care can be 24/7 literally. It’s tremendously difficult.
If those parents don’t receive financial assistance, many autistics have to go to state facilities that you would never want to live in yourself. Visit one of them, and you’ll see it’s not Disneyland, and top quality individualized care is not realistic.
State facilities for autistics is unbelievably expensive, far more than small payments to parents.
Autistics that don’t receive care can end up on the streets, vulnerable, and easily preyed upon.
Some autistics that don’t receive care can become a danger to the public.
Taking care of autistics is humane for them, their families, the community.
Thank you all for correcting the dismissive and judgey comment by the first poster. As a mom to a newly-diagnosed three year old, I can literally see things racking up cost-wise. The program through the school system that is low-cost/free has a SIX MONTH WAITING LIST for services. What do I do in the meantime? I’m separated from my husband and have to get creative with ways to get as many hours as I can at work while still caring for my daughter. Not to mention that I have two older children. My daughter needs level 3 support and everyone has a waitlist, doesn’t work with the insurance or cost thousands a month. Even if someone thinks that their family members don’t have to buy anything different, they still probably don’t know the things they aren’t being told. It takes a toll on parents. Try to be more empathetic before thinking that there isn’t a scenario where a family needs financial assistance for their child.
You can’t forget their different levels of autism, and not just one. Some of us are full time time sahm on one income, which is my husband. I homeschool my son, and he gets therapies.
Complement of the season, I am a mother of an autistic child , a bit precisely. I am confused and don’t have the financial ability to give him the medical attention he needs. I am from Africa, Nigeria precisely. I know many other parents who are handicapped in providing the medical attention their special children need. I am using this medium to call for your attention to render your support as well to those outside your country, especially in Africa. We need your support greatly, we didn’t prepare for this situation especially as things are really rough in African and Nigeria in particular. We can barely feed not to talk of medical needs of our challenged child. If we can have centers in Nigeria, I am ready to drive the course to ensure that these autistic children from poor background like me get all the support each needs. Please consider me request. God bless you as youdo so. This is my phone number +2348039237549, it is also my WhatsApp number. Thank you
Thank u for all the correct replies to the first post. I have an 8 year old that has autism and adhd and let me tell you it is challenging. He is a picky eater and requires a lot of care. He is high on the scale and no he doesn’t use diapers but with all of the therapy during the week, doctors appointments and staying up all night I am worn out. I know I need to be home more but I can’t afford it. I work 2 p.m. to 10p.m. I get home around 11:30p.m. He will not go to sleep until I am home maybe. If he does go to sleep he is up around 4a.m. every morning. So yes it is a lot of work and financial strain but seeing your child happy and taken care of is rewarding. People need to understand that. If anyone knows of any programs out there that will help with home repairs please let me know. Thank u in advance.
It makes me sad reading Cheri’s comment because it shows clearly how many people just do not understand the level of need some children (and families) with Autistic children have. My son can not speak, is in diapers, and we have safety issues with self harm and running away. It’s sad to me someone can oversimplify something so complex and challenging. I wish I could be that naïve.
My son is five years old with autism. I never knew there is any financial aid like this. My wife and I have really had difficulty most times getting stuff organized for him. He is very picky, and sometimes doesn’t wanna eat foods he’s eaten before. It’s like that kind of food is new to him and doesn’t want it at all. It’s not easy at all, but with hope, it shall be well.
Even with insurance, the copays for all the therapies are super high! I am paying at least $8000 more a year to cover those expenses. Not to mention the gas of driving back and fourth every day from school to therapy. I can’t even afford all the therapies and had to drop a few. People like to judge so quick, it’s sad.
Elle, I can relate to you in some ways! My now 4yo son was diagnosed with autism in October. I have 2 older children and also a 2yo son. My ex husband left us and doesn’t help at all so I’m doing it all on my own. I’m still waiting as well for all of the paperwork needed to go through for my son to be enrolled in an aba therapy school.
This is nOt an easy road for a lot of us parents- single or not. Every child is different. Their needs are different. And costs also differ from state to state. What is financially maintainable for one household is not going to be the same for the next household.
I strongly recommend for the first commentator- and any after that isn’t accurately informed- to do your research before you throw insensitive comments online. Educate yourself as us parents had to do.
I am unemployed (left my work to parent full time during pandemic/ 2 teenage ASD boys) and have a small savings that disqualifies our family for SSI until I completely deplete. I cannot find work while we go through the disturbances that are happening at home, which I don’t like to share, even with family. If I were able to get those funds, it would allow me to feel secure in knowing that I can take care of my boys while we ride out the rough times, of which there are many. currently the stress is adding to the burn-out.
Some parents have to stop working to take care of their autistic kids. This is why they might need money
I am a mother with a autistic son. I am seeking help because with all the therapy he goes to i am unable to work. my family is struggling because there isnt a second income coming into our household.
It is just crazy how some people thinks one way. The state or insurance does not pay for everything. My son requires behavioral therapy and that’s out of pocket where I live. If I do find a place either he is to young, they don’t accept his insurance and/or the waiting list is too long. Some daycares don’t even have the expertise to care for an autistic child let alone the patience it takes.! For me as a single parent it gets stressful and even for my family who helps watch my child it’s a challenge. Please be more sensitive because not everyone is in it to “get over” the help is honestly needed.
It is just crazy how some people thinks one way. The state or insurance does not pay for everything. My son requires behavioral therapy and that’s out of pocket where I live. If I do find a place either he is to young, they don’t accept his insurance and/or the waiting list is too long. Some daycares don’t even have the expertise to care for an autistic child let alone the patience it takes.! For me as a single parent with two other children it gets stressful and even for my family who helps watch my child it’s a challenge. Please be more sensitive because not everyone is in it to “get over” the help is honestly needed.
Mine three year old looks normal and sometimes seems normal but when your with her an entire day she is a handful that requires someone to help
You . She will be starting speech therapy for now she says some
Words but most of the time I don’t understand her or she points my finger she’s very smart but wants to be carried a lot and rocked and she is very picky with her food and I have to get her certain toys because she doesn’t like just any toy and driving her can be a challenge sometimes she hates her car seat and starts banging her head back and forth side to side I always need someone sitting in the back with her . They are very needy and require more attention I think
Thank you for sharing you experience , I do have son he needs really help on the same condition I have never give up working for my son I did everything I could for him ,he became 6 now ,usually his mom stay home and his Father keep working at the moment I need government help life isn’t easy ….
Hello, I am a grandparent to a 4 year old who was recently this year diagnosed with Autism. I am new to all this, I have 6 grandsons, he’s the sixth and I am caring for him. I recently retired and promised my daughter I would take care of him. It is not an easy job to be with him all day but I’m learning as I go. I make sure he has a safe space and because he knows me he’s happy to come to me every day. It was very difficult to find him daycare and he’s not yet in preschool. He needs help, I need help. I am doing a lot of researching and any help is good.
So far we’ve spent a lot of money on diapers, wipes, lots of broken household items some relatively expensive which we couldn’t afford including his tablet he was required to have for school and it isn’t like I don’t watch my child like a hawk because I do and I’ve had to gently restrain him to keep him and us safe and the house. I can’t count how much gas it’s cost to get him to appointments too including his sensory swing and other items. I’ve went without clothes to make sure he has things he needs. We had to pay for glasses because he destroyed another kids glasses at school and the list goes on and they kicked him out until we got him on medication and we have to pay $20 a month for his melatonin not including his vitamins. The lady at school said there was no way she could manage my son and asked how I did it!!! No amount of money in the world could make a difference. This is the hardest job I’ve had and I don’t get paid for it. This is what I signed up for but of course I didn’t expect autism along with other significant learning disabilities and adhd. I love my son just the same but it is hard. I’ve had to restrain him to keep him safe and this was after neck surgery and I was in so much pain and needed to HIRE HELP at one point. No day care at the time would even take him because of behavior. I could not afford to pay for day care either. The money social security pays is pocket change.
Hi my twin daughters have down syndrome and now they think they have autism. Does anybody know where I can take them to get tested for autism? We are switching peds right now. Also one of the comments by John Moser mentioned medicaid pays for diapers? I didn’t know that! Thank you for letting me know. I had to quit my job to take care of my daughters and no help from their dad. it has taken a toll on me and I went through all my savings and 401k. Diapers are so expensive now. I hope their ins will pay for those. thank you for mentioning this!
Yes. Just yes. And thank you.
I have to kids with the Autism, intellectual disabilities and epilepsy, our life is different from people with normal kids, they always need thier mom and dad to help them for example in eating, going to toilet, dressing and I can in every thing, they cannot communicate with people only me and thier mom know what they want they are 9 and 11 years old they wet their bed, they are very picky.
I would just ignore ignorance ladies obviously this is someone who knows someone who has a kid with Autism and not someone who has a kid of their own with Autism, I make $26 an hour and still can’t afford trips to Utah and Reno 4 hours away from where I live to go to appointments because we don’t have resources in our little town. I have applied for Social Security for my son but got denied because I make too much (honestly doesn’t feel like it), however when it comes to Medicaid I don’t make a small enough amount to be approved so I am screwed either way and have to do everything on my own. Glad there are people out there who are taking advantage of those resources I won’t stop looking for help and will keep going for my Little man because he is worth helping. When he was 3 he was diagnosed, but now he is 7 and at least he talks now, he is still a little hard to understand but he is strong and never gets discouraged. He also plays soccer and has a hard time communicating with team mates so I am trying to help him even though I don’t get anything for him. We are on a waiting list for some programs but are no where near being helped anytime soon. I hope things get better for you ladies and don’t ever let no one tell you guys you aren’t doing enough because you are the ones who knows how hard this can be never give up you guys are doing an amazing job.
I understand. They are not all the same.My grandson were turn down for ssi.We were told she made to much money a single parent a mortgage & different things he needs to survive. Right now we are looking for some type of aide to help him get ready for school.At less 2hr and the morning. I am his grandmother he is 12.My health is getting bad.And he can become so aggressive. She is trying to hold down a job.thats his insurance & life. But we needs help and the morning. Thank you.
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My son has suffered autism spectrum since childhood and has battled with it all his life. But recently taking Dr Alli herbs have helped him get rid of it completely, his speech is vital and his social skill is perfect. I’m so glad and happy now
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I am a parent of a possibly autistic toddler. They are still eating infant snacks/food and refuses to eat anything else. While I do not receive any kind of government help, I spend at least $25 a day on their food alone, and they require constant supervision all day.
My autistic, cerebral palsy, and polymicrogyria. He needs around the clock care. He isn’t stupid, he’s dangerous. Dangerous to himself. I was well paid nurse but when you get a call your 10 yo is having a seizure you have to drop everything and get there.
Nurses can’t just abandon their patients for their child every few days.
So our household has taken a huge hit in the financial department. We went from having a saving, 401K, College funds for our other three… that is all gone.
We have paid over $500,000 dollars for therapy, corrective surgery for his left sided paralysis.
The part of the brain that was damaged during my pregnancy has made him aggressive, danger seeking, terrorized the neighbors while in the backyard.
If the 1% would pay what they OWE then there would be money for programs for supplemental income when you can’t work because of a medically fragile child.
SOME PEOPLE LACK ANY IMAGINATION. May they never suffer watching their children hurt, their grandchildren hurt, or a niece or nephew. God forbid a tragedy has to be the thing that wakes them the f*ck up and get a conscience.
Looking at you, CHERI. Not all therapies are covered by Medicaid. My child’s neuro psych doctor- the only one I could get him into costs $120 a month
Half the doctors in my town don’t take Medicaid and the ones that do- have wait lists up to 9 months.
So we have to go to a nonmedicaid provider and our deductible is 15,000 and then they only cover 80% after that.
Yes that first poster is why we need awareness. Families of autistic children LOSE INCOME. Do you know how many autistic parents have had to reroute their lives based on their child’s diagnosis and behaviors? It’s sad there are people that see none of this and sit there selfishly worrying about money instead of what a family has to go through forever pretty much while these judgys just sit back and get to live however they want.
It is true that all autistic children are different and have different needs and deficiencies. My 3 year old son can speak but he didn’t say one word till he was 2 1/2 years old. His main issues are with other children, he does not know how to play with other kids his own age, and he also has ADHD which makes his attention span very short. We are almost at the stage where we’re going to get a determination but they want to send him for a speech evaluation He’s already been evaluated by like four or five different people and each one says something different. He barely pays attention long enough to complete the tasks they need him to complete. I am a single mother and I’m not able to work at this point in time because he needs round the clock care and watching after!! I have heard about people getting social security for their children for things and all their kids get it and they also know people who work at social security. It seems to me that the people who really need it don’t get it and the people that don’t really need it are the ones that actually get it!
who would question why a kid on the spectrum is receiving money must be crazy
Cheri- My 3 year old girl was diagnosed with ASD recently and can tell you I want nothing but the best care I can possibly find for my daughter. She’s non verbal. Covid made everything worse, here in San Diego, there’s a waiting list of 9 months to have a speech therapist see new patients. I’ll be danmed if I’m just going to sit on my arse that long, my toddler needs help and she needs it NOW. Hence there are private doctors who are promptly available, but the cost varies between $125 to $225 per session (30min-1hr). Even with my $72K/yr salary, I can’t afford these therapies. Hope you are better informed now.
I’ve had my grandson since age 3. He just turned 14 and I will be 60. He was had issues early on but his mom did nothing. The biggest event with my grandsons journey was getting kicked out of public kindergarten. He was ahead of many in his class but was disruptive. That was the beginning. Let’s jump to the money issue. My job required overtime and some weekend work. Plus school is out during the summer. He was kicked out of several different daycare so I tried hiring someone to come to the house. That wasn’t any better at 200.00 a week.
He has never received disability but it would have come in handy for all the time I loss from work. Barely a full week without having to get him from daycare or school. Or a sitter not showing up and missing a whole day. The only reason I wasn’t fired was a federal law about taking care of a family member. So that helped tremendously with his doctors Apts too…So eith many kids needing certain items to help with their disability, it would have been nice to just cover the work zi missed and maybe for the guilt I had because I did have to work. Plus in this day and time, that’s not much money at all. I would pay YOU 800 a month if my grandson didn’t have to live with his disability.
I am a single Mom and My son is 13 yrs old. Ry is very loving. But can be very mean and manipulative to me. He didn’t use to show signs of autism now he does. Nobody has diagnosed him but he’s in Special Education and doesn’t know how to read. He doesn’t want to learn to read or write. Maybe he’s dyslexic not sure. But he doesbt care to know how to read write or text message. Because he knows how to call, talk to text and voice record. He Is very bright and has a huge vocabulary. He just can’t put it on paper. Then he started having seizures last year. So it’s very confusing. Then the tantrums are very hard to stop. Everyone needs help financially. It wouldn’t be so hard if they lowered costs. I am so happy I’ve raised my son alone. 💙 Just need some help. But yeah therapy is kind of working. He just doesn’t wanna do it.
Mine and the wifes son has been diagnosed by the schools and others. He has autism and it is quite often a challenge. I know my aunt and uncle got distality checks to help out as much as possible. I should have dont this a lont time ago as his father but we kept getting the run around. How is it possbile to get disability checks for our son who has autism? I know it probably wont be much but as his father I am having some severe health issues myself and would love to be sent some information on what I can do to get some help. we just really need some help at this point to get what we can get and make our children’s lives easier. Please send me some information on this as well or tell me where I can go to get the help needed. I have three cousins that receive disability checks and I just want to know what me and my family need to do to get whatever we can to help our children who are struggling and get the help they need.
I to have to have been on a leave of absence for almost a year between appointments and fighting the school for Appropriate education along with 4 other kids we need two incomes and I can’t go back to work knowing I’ll flake on them. I have been very lucky that they can’t wait till I come back and I always will have a job there but I don’t know if my son will every need to stop having the 8 appointments a week. Along with other children with other needs and appointments. My son also has a server eating problem and sensory issues and requires a lot of extra money I don’t have. Cost of living and other children are affected. I can’t even get a free educational Adovicate unless if it’s threw legal aide because of the diagnosis and it’s not cheap.
Grandson is autistic ,15 yrs old. Too bad he is only approved for pullups when so many people able to work get free medical, foodstamps . It is not fair to the parents struggling to take care of, physically , financially, and especially emotionally. Need to be more help for the really bad autistic children.
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