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5 Winter Activities for Kids with Special Needs

Updated on June 9, 2016

Angelsense 5 indoor activities for kids with special needs


A post by AngelSense, a GPS & voice monitoring solution designed for children with special needs.

Learn more about how AngelSense’s GPS tracking solution can help improve your child’s safety and well-being.


The temperature has dropped and the task of bundling up for some outside fun or journeying to therapy feels daunting (or impossible!) for parents of children with special needs. There’s also the issue of a break in routine, which can take our kids with special needs out of their comfort zone. If you’re using a daily calendar with your child, try adding some of these activities (stickers or drawings are fun) to “off” days from school!

All these activities can be modified to different ages and comfort levels for kids with special needs. And best of all they are free or inexpensive! Keeping the supplies for each activity can take the struggle out of finding things to do – and you can assign a fun game to different scenarios (it’s a snow day – time for a blanket fort!) to build a comfort level for those unexpected events.

angelsense 5 winter activities for

1. Fort Winter

Sheets, blankets, cushions and pillows are all it takes for a magical afternoon at home. You can even create a “fort kit” box for that very purpose, and drop ripped or old bedding in it for future building. Serve a snack, read a book, do some physical therapy, or encourage a nap – everything is more fun in a fort.

2. The Noodle Pool

Swimming in winter? Sure – why not? Cut pool noodles down to six-inch lengths and fill the tub (or a baby pool) with them. Softer than a ball pit, fun for “swimming” or rolling around but the benefits are still there. The brightly colored pieces offer sensory stimulation for children with special needs, as well as strengthening motor skills . And when you’re done, store them in a laundry bag tucked into the closet.

3. Puppet Parade

Paper bags or discarded socks, some markers and yarn and suddenly puppets are ready to have some fun. Act out a story or get out some excess energy by leading the newly made friends in a march around the house.

4. Drive In Movie

Big boxes left over from the holidays? Cut off any flaps so the top is entirely free (and smooth for curious fingers) then set the kids off to decorate them. This is a fun time to practice naming colors or using crayons to draw their names on the works of art. Is there something the teacher is encouraging you to work on over break? Everything is better when you’re practicing on your own cars, boat, or plane. Then everyone gets to park his or her new rides in the living room for a movie! Snacks optional…but a juice box would be awesome.

5. Go Fish

Bring out those pool noodles, reuse old rubber fish or ducks from toddler tub years and let’s play a game. Fill a bucket of noodles per child (and you!) and hide a few toys inside. Make it a race or just some fun – the noodles can go flying without doing damage and the winner finds the fish first! This is a great activity for when therapy or play time is disrupted by weather. Build fine motor skills and practice taking turns while having fun!

AngelSense is committed to creating a safer world for special needs children. Our cutting-edge GPS tracking and monitoring solution was designed to give parents the peace of mind that their little ones are safe at all times. You deserve peace of mind too. Join AngelSense Today.


Get peace of mind from AngelSense, the groundbreaking AI-based assistive technology designed to enhance safety and peace of mind for individuals with special needs and their families. Our solution ensures you stay connected with your loved ones, empowering a higher level of independence while maintaining safety. Learn more about how AngelSense can make a difference for your family.

One Comment

  1. Shannon Colclough December 11, 2021 at 6:14 pm - Reply

    These are some really great ideas

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